Feb 5, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

The conversations about "please keep it free" reminds me of folks complaining for a $1 app on the play store after forking over $1000+ for their phone.

I'll gladly pay for this. Having an atheistically pleasing, minimalist version of gmail which I use all the time is well worth a couple bucks a month. I love v1 and anticipate loving v2 even more.

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Totally agree. I one of the people that had payed for whatsapp (0.89€/year) in the past. I agree this kind of work that has to be maintain need a recurrent revenew. I've seen in WordPress with so many plugins that have change its business model to membership suscription.

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

You're an artist, and artists shouldn't work for free, they should get paid for the value of their work. And your work is valuable to me, so I will gladly support the new business model. And if you ever need a new beta tester, let me know.

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Apr 4, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

I love Simplify and I'm surprised it's not already a paid subscription. Everytime I use my browser for email (I have Simplify installed on my Shift email client): I shudder with how overloaded the vanilla Gmail interface is. I'd happily pay $2 a month (a whole $24 a year) for it: although I do welcome suggestions of including multiple Gmail accounts for that price, as I do have a number of business emails that I work with.

Thank you for this brilliant service! All the best.

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Thanks Bradley! I'm working with Shift to get Simplify updated there (they have been behind for a while. It should happen soon if it hasn't already.

The subscriptions are getting close to launching. Hopefully I'm the next week or two. Taking longer than expected as is often the case with things.

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Simplify is a fantastic product that greatly enhances my productivity when using Gmail or G Workspace. It is something that you really (and especially) appreciate when you realize what the Gmail experience is like when Simplify is not enabled. I'll happily subscribe when you are ready to launch.

The only issue (for me) is perhaps the slight tweaking to the price per accounts ratio. Nothing major, maybe $24/year for 3 accounts would be the sweet spot if paying annually. I'm a long-term subscriber to a few email services (Fastmail, Mailbox.org, Protonmail, Google Workspace, and lately HEY, etc.) and the $24/year for 3 accounts seems more palatable than $36/year for 3 when compared to the cost of something like Fastmail (which provides exceptional value IMO).

Thanks for your hard work!! Such a shame that Google decided to shutter your INBOX creation.

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I have an update on pricing coming out today or tomorrow... I think you will be happy with the changes. :)

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Great! Looking forward to it.

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Feb 11, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

The reality of each one and each contry is different. 3-5 us dollars may seem like nothing to some but it's a lot for others that live in the so called "3rd world". This is a great tool and I enjoyed it but it's a luxury I can't afford. Thnak you for the good times!

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Feb 10, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

Just wanted to share my thoughts regarding the pricing for people using multiple accounts. I think in essence your goal is to have pricing correspond with the number of users, and for businesses this maps quite well to using accounts. For individuals that privately manage multiple accounts this assumption does not hold up. How else to distinguish users from each other? I can quickly think of two options:

1. Unrestricted single-user licenses: An individual pays for their license and wherever they setup the plugin with their Simplify account, the service will work. Perhaps to prevent license sharing between people, have payment information linked to the Simplify account.

2. Pay per device: A person might have 10 Gmail accounts, but probably not more than 2 or 3 computers on which they use it. For people in this situation this model might be more fair.

I don't think a one-size-fits-all approach is what you should be aiming for. I recently had to look into remote desktop solutions, and most of them have multiple plans to cover the many types of customers they have. You could do too!

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I have an idea brewing based on some of the comments I've gotten that might be a better path forward.

Instead of based on the number of Gmail accounts, I could allow plans based on Chrome profiles (under which you can be signed into many Gmail accounts). I think this better maps to the intended 1 subscription = 1 person while also allowing 1 subscription to cover many people.

Some drawbacks:

• This would require Simplify to ask for more permissions (chrome.identity) in the extension (something I try to avoid as much as possible).

• This would only work in Chrome.

• It would require you were signed into Chrome.

• It wouldn't solve the issue if you have N Chrome profiles for N Gmail accounts.


• Do you use Chrome?

• Are you signed into Chrome?

• Do you have more than 1-2 Chrome profiles?

• Would this work for you?

• Do you see any other issues with this approach?

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Let me start by answering your questions:

* I use both, but for different tasks. Work stuff happens in Chrome, private stuff in Firefox.

* I am signed into Chrome, but only for work

* I have only one Chrome profile, my work profile. If Simplify would be Chrome only I could switch to Chrome and add a private profile on there. To be honest I am not sure if I would want an extension to determine which browser I use.

* I think the main issue is that using Chrome profiles locks you into a single browser and it's still not very flexible, due to the limit of chrome profiles.

I think it would be best if you would use your own account system instead. I'm curious what your thoughts are on that.

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I use one profile per account to keep work + private (and different works) separate. A profile includes history sync etc, and I don't want my personal history confused with my work one

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Thanks for the responses -- I've decided this path isn't viable as it would only work on Chrome and only if you are signed in.

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Feb 6, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

The only way for good software to survive is charge enough for it. The only way to be able to use good software is by paying enough for it.

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Feb 5, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

100% behind the decision to monetize. Its been clear for a while now that paid apps stick around, and free apps die after a few years. I want simplify to exist well into the future and I am happy to spend the $24 a year to keep this service going. Its so much better than default gmail, and your v2 additions look awesome!

TBH I'd be worried about the future of this plugin if you kept it free for everyone forever. Thanks for committing to keeping it updated. I appreciate that more than getting something for free.

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Feb 5, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

Simplify is awesome. I found it after Inbox went away, and it makes my life better every day. Thank you for all your hard work over the years as you kept up with Gmail's frequent design tweaks.

I'm happy to pay. Why should your hard work go unrewarded?

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

Simplify for Chrome sounds intriguing, Michael! Same to me re: Docs. If you could make this more tangible (e.g., by sharing more of a teaser ... say screenshot?) I think you might draw even more attention to all of the Simplify offerings.

Congratulations on reaching this milestone with Simplify v2 for GMail. I look forward to being a customer.

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I'm very eager to share more about the other Simplify products... just trying to stay focused on getting Simplify Gmail v2 out. Soon!

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Understandable & definitely the first priority!

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

I would happily pay $4/m for Simplify and more as the service provision widens. Gmail is OK but Simplify is far more useful and that is always worth paying for!

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Feb 17, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

I'd buy this!

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Feb 16, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

Well done for taking the time to respond to everyone on here. You've clearly thought long and hard about what you're doing and the approach your taking.

I've 2 Gmail accounts and a gsuite account. The family also uses gmail and it would be great to have those bundled together somehow as a family type account. As more and more people become privacy-focused, something that deals with trackers effectively is an attractive proposition, as well as a design-focused UX solution to gmail. Absolutely agree that you gotta get paid somehow... For me, most "family" based model of stuff I use, from 1password to Bitdefender to Disney+ have about latitude 5 or 6 accounts, so something to think about maybe. As for price, all depends on where the price point is set of course and I guess everyone has been on the receiving end of apps/services that were once free only to be flipped later. But for me, happy to pay - you seem humble, committed and honest enough buy into a useful well-designed, well-considered app/service.

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Feb 16, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

I use 7+ different gmail accounts.... happy to help out and pay as I find Simplify very useful personally - reminds me of Inbox by Google until they axed that, and when they did I was so sad that I said I would pay for anything that could get close to Inbox... Simplify did that for me, for free to boot! :)

Just considering that it's a bit tough to justify paying and registering on a multiple account basis since what we are used to currently where "the extension is installed browser wide and works no matter what account is logged into"

Looking forward to seeing on what you decide!

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Feb 15, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

Hey Michael, great work on V2. Love the pricing model and that you are taking (small) enterprises into consideration as well. I don't think you need to have a free version around. You need to make a living of of this, and I would rather pay, then you stopping development in a couple of months.

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Feb 11, 2021Liked by Michael Leggett

Just wanted to throw in another data point: I would be willing to pay for my two accounts, but my primary browser is Firefox (since I'm generally trying to keep Chrome clean for web development purposes).

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